Build Your Brand

Build Your Brand & New Identity as a Single Parent Most of us understand the term branding. If there was ever an example of building a brand, look at the Kardashian’s. Love them or hate them, those women know how to build a brand. Everyone knows the name. Even if you haven’t watched the show,…

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Take The High Road

Sounds simple enough, but it isn’t easy. I was not as successful at this step as I should have been, especially at the beginning. I failed on more than a few occasions, but it is very important to say nothing negative about your former spouse. If you think it through, there is very little upside…

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Don’t Date

Here we go, my favorite subject. I know I am going to take some heat from this blog, but I don’t care. If you get divorced or separated and you have children, don’t date. If you are a single parent with one or more young children, don’t date. The biggest mistake divorced, or single parents…

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Instill Discipline

This section may seem obvious, but so much of it depends on the age of your child or children. The main theme of this blog however, is to instill and maintain discipline with your children regardless of what your spouse may do. It’s only natural for kids to try to pin one parent against the…

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Set Goals

When I decided to pursue a certification as a health and wellness coach it was primarily to work with divorced or single parents with kids. Having gone through a very difficult time as a single divorced parent, it took me years just to make my way back to normalcy and even longer to land at…

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Reclaim Your Health

In the previous blog I mentioned priorities. Unfortunately, my health was not in the top four. Income, food, shelter and my children were my top four. I worked multiple jobs with flexible schedules to be able to have an income and care for my children. By about the fourth or fifth year after my divorce,…

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Get Your Priorities Straight

This may sound like common sense, but too many people do not have their priorities in order. If you are separated, divorced or a single parent with a child or children and do not have your priorities in order it will inhibit your ability to effectively manage your life and care for your children. I…

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The Facts About Being a Single Parent

The role of a parent is undoubtedly one of the most demanding and challenging responsibilities in life. While parenthood brings immense joy and fulfillment, it also comes with its share of difficulties. Being a single parent, in particular, can be an even more daunting experience, as it often involves navigating life’s ups and downs without…

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