Find God
If you are truly struggling with your divorce, being a single parent, or anything else for that matter and you feel as If you have lost all hope, I can assure you that you are not alone. If you are a Christian, you may feel as if God has deserted you, or you start to doubt his existence. If you are an atheist or agnostic, the last place you would seek help is from God. In all three of those situations, you should turn to God.
When you feel all hope is lost, seek God. I have no formal statistics or survey, but in over 40 years of being active in different Christian ministries, it seems that people find God when they need him the most, when they hit rock bottom of have something tragic impact their lives. If you find yourself living in extreme hardship or struck by tragedy and have nowhere else to turn, turn to God. When you are drowning and gasping for air, and you manage to eke out one last word before you drown – HELP!
God hears you, sees that you are in distress, and He comes to your aid. There is something about severe tragedy, a major hardship or real desperation that provides a sincere opportunity to find God. I used the word sincere for a reason. Too often Christians of all denominations go through the motions with little thought, meaning or desire in their prayers, worship or service to God.
We have all joked about people who go to church every Sunday but will run you over trying to be one of the first people out of the parking lot. In parts of our country the Christian lifestyle is cultural. In many cities and towns, a large percentage of people go to church simply because it has become part of their lifestyle, with little or no thought about why they actually go to church. There is nothing phony or insincere about someone asking for God’s mercy if they have lost their job, their home, or even worse, their child. I have always believed that there is nothing worse than losing a child.
I have no magic prayer or specific words to teach. My advice is to say what’s in your heart by using your own thoughts and words to ask for help. This may be the easiest thing you have ever done, uttering a few words or sentences asking God for help.

Other Approaches:
Simply asking for God’s help, in my opinion is the easiest and best option. However, there are other methods for finding God and I have used each and everyone of these options.
- Prayer: Prayer is a common and powerful way to communicate with God. You can pray privately or in a place of worship. Be sincere and specific in your requests, expressing your needs, concerns, and gratitude.
- Meditation: Some people use meditation as a way to connect with a higher power or seek guidance from God. Meditation can help you find inner peace and clarity, making it easier to discern the help you need.
- Reading Sacred Texts: Many religious traditions have sacred texts that contain wisdom and guidance. Reading and reflecting on these texts can provide insight and inspiration when seeking help.
- Attending Religious Services: Participating in religious services, such as church, mosque, temple, or synagogue, can be a way to seek help from God in a communal setting. You can also seek guidance from religious leaders, such as priests, ministers, or clerics.
- Acts of Charity and Good Deeds: Some people believe that performing acts of charity and kindness can be a way to seek God’s help and favor. Helping others can also lead to a sense of fulfillment and connection with a higher power.
- Fasting: Fasting is a spiritual practice in many religions that can help you seek guidance and strength from God. It can be a way to demonstrate your commitment and devotion.
- Gratitude Journaling: Maintaining a gratitude journal where you regularly write down things you’re thankful for can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and create a sense of connection to a higher power.
- Silence and Solitude: Spending time in quiet contemplation and solitude can help you tune into your inner self and connect with God on a more profound level. It’s a time for listening and receiving guidance.
- Seek Guidance from Religious Leaders: Consulting with religious leaders, such as priests, pastors, or spiritual advisors, can provide you with insights and advice on how to seek help from God in alignment with your faith.
- Affirmations and Visualization: Some people use affirmations and visualization techniques to strengthen their faith and connection with God. These can help you focus on your needs and desires, with the belief that God will answer your prayers.
Personal Testimony:
I have been on retreats with high school teens, too many to count, where I have observed them with a lot on their minds. You might even say distress. They have to deal with peer pressure, the presence of drugs and alcohol in their schools, bullying, social media and sometimes serious problems at home. There is also a significant amount of stress that comes from not fitting in. In high school, all kids want is to fit in. If you are a single parent and have been reading my blogs, you may find it hard to empathize with teenagers. After all, you’re on my website because you are looking for answers regarding your own concerns and problems.
How could a teenager be in a worse place than a divorced or single parent? How could a single parent, who may be unemployed or on the verge of being homeless, while caring for their child or children have compassion for a teenager that doesn’t have to worry about bills or caring for anyone but themselves. People’s problems and lives are all relative. If a first grader was crying because they left their lunch on the bus, you wouldn’t laugh or tell them to stop crying because life gets harder by the day. No! You would console them and help them find something to eat.
The problems and pressures that teenagers face today are real. 25% of high school students contemplate suicide. In the psychology world, it’s called suicidal ideation. I also think that number is too low. I don’t doubt the accuracy of the survey. It is, however, an average of 4 years. I would be willing to bet that the numbers for juniors and seniors are higher.
As a result, whenever I attend a high school age retreat, I am highly focused on all of the kids. I try to determine their moods on the bus ride to the retreat center. The further the distance and the longer it takes to get there, the more time I have to observe. It always seems that the kids that are the most distressed return with the most peace. Many times, these kids have nowhere else to turn. It’s the need for God and the sincerity in their prayers that allows them to be open to God. When someone, anyone, is open to God, especially those in a desperate situation, it seems they are the most likely to find God. As I stated above, I don’t have any factual data or study that I can quote. My opinion and advice in this blog is based on my experiences of seeing people in bad situations or suffering.
It’s important to remember that everyone’s relationship with God is unique, and the methods for seeking help can vary widely. Your personal beliefs, faith, and the practices of your religious tradition will influence how you approach seeking help from a higher power. Ultimately, it’s essential to be sincere and patient in your efforts to connect with God and seek assistance. So if you are in a bad place, if you are suffering or on the verge of losing something, now is the time to seek God. You have little to lose and everything to gain. So that’s my advice to you. In your own thoughts and words, ask God for help. Ask him to bring you peace.